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    Complete Holistic and Functional Care.

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  • Auto Accident

    The most significant trauma a person will have in their lifetime.

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  • Clinical Nutrition

    With over 20 years experience. Certification as a CCN by the IAACN (International and American Association of Clinical Nutrition) in 1993.

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  • Hand & Foot

    Trained and Endorsed by Chiropractic Hand and Foot Clinics of America

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  • Even More!!!!

    Massage, Functional Medicine, Weight Loss, Laser Lipo, NAET, and PT.

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Discussion on Weight Loss

For more information on our perspective for weight loss click read more

Discussion on Detoxification

Detoxification is generally a misunderstood concept. Detoxification of what? Detoxification of where? How is the Detox performed? What is your goal?

Discussion on Sciatica

Sciatica, simply put is pain or abnormal sensation along the Sciatic nerve.  The sciatic nerve, the largest nerve of the body is formed by the nerve roots coming out of the lower (lumbar and sacral) portion of the spinal cord into the lower back and  through the buttock, then down the back of the leg to the Continue Reading

Discussion on Neuropathy

Neuropathy is not a single disease – instead, it is a complication found in a number of different underlying medical conditions.  The term neuropathy is short for peripheral neuropathy, meaning nerve damage in the peripheral nervous system. Only nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord are involved.  When the nerves are damaged, they don’t Continue Reading

Discussion on Nerve Impingement

Pinched nerve is the common term used for nerve impingement.  It is when something is pressing on a nerve, usually a peripheral nerve.  The different types of nerves are shown below.  Central nervous system impingements are usually beyond the scope of manipulation with the exception of posterior disc herniation impinging on the cord or entrapments Continue Reading

Discussion on Heart Conditions

First it must be said that heart conditions are serious and medical evaluation is necessary.  Holistic treatment and Natural Approaches can be very helpful.  Proper nutritional supplementation can be very helpful for elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, and even Congestive Heart Failure.  Often Hiatal hernia’s can mimic heart conditions.  See the discussion on Hiatal Hernia

Discussion on Hiatal Hernia

A hiatal hernia is the protrusion (or herniation) of the upper part of the stomach into the thorax through a tear or weakness in the diaphragm.   There are two major kinds of hiatal hernia: The most common (95%) is the sliding hiatus hernia, where the gastroesophageal junction moves above the diaphragm together with some Continue Reading