• Chiropractic Care

    Complete Holistic and Functional Care.

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  • Auto Accident

    The most significant trauma a person will have in their lifetime.

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  • Clinical Nutrition

    With over 20 years experience. Certification as a CCN by the IAACN (International and American Association of Clinical Nutrition) in 1993.

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  • Hand & Foot

    Trained and Endorsed by Chiropractic Hand and Foot Clinics of America

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  • Even More!!!!

    Massage, Functional Medicine, Weight Loss, Laser Lipo, NAET, and PT.

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What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia? 7 to 10 million Americans suffer from the debilitating effects of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. One of the most frustrating aspects of this disorder is that there is no laboratory test that confirms this diagnosis, although many attempts have been made. Recently some researcher stated,  “These abnormal Continue Reading

What are the Adrenal Glads? The adrenal glands are two small glands located on top of the kidneys, each weighing less than 0.18 ounces. They have two separate, functional parts. One: the inside, also called the Adrenal Medulla. This is where epinephrine and norepinephrine are produced. These are your fight or flight stress hormones. Two: Continue Reading

To Doctor Burton I started chiropractic care in January, 1996. I have Fibromyalgia, also know as myofascial syndrome.  This is major, constant, continuous pain in the muscles and fibers.  This problem started in January 1987 and continued. I cannot count the number of Doctors I’ve seen about this condition.  Too numerous to count.  I have Continue Reading

Dr. Burton has done miracles for me and my family. When I first came in to the Doctor I had a great deal of pain in my upper back, joints and muscles. I had been formerly diagnosed as having Fibromyalgia. I was put on anti-inflammatory drugs which were causing stomach discomfort and was I was Continue Reading

I have been struggling with aches and pains, blood clots, depression, thought of “what’s the point in living this way” since 1998.