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ART pixWhat is Active Release Technique?

ART is a collection of soft tissue techniques for examination, diagnosis, and treatment of soft tissue disorders. It is a non-invasive, healing procedure that locates and brakes down scar tissue and adhesion that cause soft tissue injuries. ART targets very specific problem ares and heals through a unique combination of pressure, tension, and motion. This method releases, stretches, and loosens connective tissue adhesions or scar tissue, allowing the restoration of circulation, range of motion, and strength.

Through the assessment of tissue texture, tension, movement and function, ART provides a way to diagnose and treat the underlying causes of a variety of conditions collectively, called Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTD’s).

The Active Release Treatment

Restoring tissue elasticity and longitudinal freedom of motion is the goal.  In an ART treatment, the tissue is placed in a shortened position then drawn under specific types of contact while the problem spot is manipulated.

What to expect from ART

Significant results should be seen within 2-3 visits. Muscle strength typically begins to return on the first or second visit. Treatments can be uncomfortable. Patients report that it “hurts good” or is reproducing the symptoms. Both are temporary and stop after the treatment, a good sign that ART is solving a problem and healing an injury. Patients report a freed-up, expansive, or blood flowing feeling, with better movement.

How often is the treatment and is it permanent?

Typically treatments are done 1-2 days apart, but in some cases an longer periods are needed. Full resolution in 4-6 visits is common, though for some cases, it could take 10 or more.

Why ART is in Demand

ART has become the treatment of choice for Muscular and Tendinitis type injuries because it corrects the cause.  It’s fast effective and often only requires a few treatments for long lasting results.  For athletes, fast and complete recovery from long standing muscular and repetitive strain injuries is common.


Dr. Burton has been trained and accredited in this technique since 2001, and undergoes continuous training and certification in this approach.