Detoxification is generally a misunderstood concept. Detoxification of what? Detoxification of where? How is the Detox performed? What is your goal? We at Burton Chiropractic conduct thorough consultations and exams to determine which approach is best for you.
The Different kinds of Detoxification:
- Cellular Detox – Homeopathic
- Liver Detox – Using liver cleansing herbs
- Enhancing Natural Liver Detoxification- Supplements used to upregulate phase 1 or Phase 2 detoxification
- Colon Detox – Using supplements designed to help with colon mobility and remove residual feces
- Multisystem Detox – Using Diet and supplements to address numerous issues
- Electrochemical Detox – Most common is the foot bath with an electrical device
- Detox thru the skin – Baths for removal of toxins thru the skin