Physical Therapy and Rehab can be divided into three parts. The First is passive, therapies that are performed on you. These are the therapy machines. We have numerous devices including Intersegmental traction, Intermittent traction, Flexion-Distraction, Electrical Muscle Stimulation, Microcurrent, Hi Volt, Interferential Current, Ultrasound, Ultrasound Combo, Light therapy with SLED’s, Laser therapy with Class IV laser. We also have a variety of percussion type devices for relaxing tight muscles. Manual therapies fall in this category.
We also have the ZenPro – Power Vibe which is vibrating platform which is used for an amazing workout. It is said 10 minutes on the zen Power Vibe is equivalent to a 1 hour work out.
The Second part is Exercises. These are performed here with bands and weights for tailored instruction
The Third part is Take-Home Exercises. Your at-home work is crucial for developing a strong muscular support for your spine, extremity (all the joints that are not the spine) joints of the body, and fascial system.