Dear Dr. Burton,
I would like to take this opportunity to write a ‘formal’ letter of thanks for having the expertise to successfully diagnose and treat my ‘condition,’ something no ‘traditional’ medical doctor was able to do. As I would like to share my experience with anyone doubtful of ‘alternative’ forms of medical treatment, I will briefly put forth my experience in writing.
I am a middle-aged man with a healthy appetite for pasta, breads, cakes and, especially, Dunkin’Donuts! I am in good health, not overweight, don’t smoke and seriously exercise at a gym no less than three to four times per week.
I treated with innumerable doctors, no less than twice a week for the following three years; every type of specialist imaginable. I saw dermatologists, allergists, immunologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, proctologists, urologists, and when all of the specialists could not diagnose my condition (other than “you have a rash of unknown etiology”) my ‘case’ was used as a teaching model by specialists at the University of Miami School of Medicine. They, too, failed me. I had numerous biopsies, blood tests, urine tests, allergy tests, scans, colonoscopy, endoscopy, and x-rays; all showing nothing. My insurance company commented to me that I had just had a “million dollar work-up.”
A friend of mine from New York suggested I see a Kinesiologist. My insurance company would not, however, pay for my visits and being somewhat skeptical, I continued to ignore his advice. Finally, in desperation, I decided I had nothing to lose. By referral from the International College of Applied Kinesiology, I call your office. This was the turning point.
I will never forget the look of astonishment when you witnessed my rash and listened to my tale of woe. You immediately suggested to me that the root of my ’problem’ was a reaction to my voracious appetite of grain products (all of which contain gluten)which eventually led to an overabundance of yeast in my body. Basically, you advised me to ‘detoxify’ my body through the use of various herb, and to restructure my eating habits to eliminate foods containing carbohydrates. In all truth, I was seriously doubtful but, at this point, willing to give this play a try.
Truthfully, this new ‘restructuring’ of my eating habits was totally awful but I persisted (and eventually got used to it) and I am here to testify, that in practically no time at all, I was ‘cured.’ The itching was gone within a few days and the rash stated subsiding within a week, eventually disappearing completely. I know I’m starting to sound like an infomercial but it is so important to me that people learn that sometimes we have to open our minds to concepts that are totally different to those which we have learned and lived. This has truly been a mind-opening experience and I truly don’t know what would have happened to me without your help.
From the bottom of my heart, I thank you,
Phil M.