Dear Dr. Burton:
I have been coming to you since February 2000. First it was because of my TMJ — which through several treatments it is now gone! Thank you very much!! Then, I pulled my groin muscle in my left leg and you helped me heal again. Now, my left shoulder, and left knee are bother me. At first I thought it was arthritis. But after just two adjustment I’m feeling so much better.
At age 47 I was feeling all these aches and pains that I never felt before in my life and getting depressed about it. Since I’ve been coming to you on a regular basis, I feel GREAT!!! Thank you for your expertise and professionalism!!
Judy K.
Clinical Nutrition
read moreWith over 20 years experience. Certification as a CCN by the IAACN (International and American Association of Clinical Nutrition) in 1993.