Hi, I’m Dr. Bernard Burton1
I’ve been practicing chiropractic, acupuncture, and nutrition in the Plantation/ Sunrise Area since 1995.
I’ve always wanted to give best possible patient care period.
Having graduating with honors in engineering in 1979, it has helped me analyze patients with clarity. I graduated top of my class- (Valedictorian) in Chiropractic School in 1993, because I am passionate about the holistic approaches to treat disease.
The office’s philosophy is simple.
1.Get the patient out of Pain As Soon As Possible.
2. Determine and then educate the patient as to the cause of the problem.
3. Encourage the patient and make it as easy as we can for the patient to seek the care and/or make the lifestyle changes necessary to improve their quality of life.
I hope this website serves as a resource for your questions as to your health, your care, and your life.
Dr. Bernie Burton