You might ask “How can a chiropractor help someone with Multiple Sclerosis?
Every disease process has a collection of symptoms. It is those symptoms that the patient wants to eliminate or reduce. Most patients with most conditions are concerned with its effect on their lives rather than the name of their disorder.
Given below is a “Bell Curve” 50% of the people lie in the middle of the curve with an average outcome being the “typical” patient.
Typical Patient
<—–Negative Health Influences Positive Health Influences——->
<—–Negative OUTCOMES Positive OUTCOMES——->
The more positive health approaches (for no better term) the better the outcome, conversely the more negative health approaches the worse the outcome. The article Triad of health in this website explains some of the factors and approaches. In fact a review of the techniques used in this office address most all the factors to improve health.
Would a patient who has MS want more energy, less pain and less episodes? I would think so. Given below are testimonials of such individuals.