What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?
7 to 10 million Americans suffer from the debilitating effects of Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. One of the most frustrating aspects of this disorder is that there is no laboratory test that confirms this diagnosis, although many attempts have been made. Recently some researcher stated, “These abnormal findings and distribution of symptoms (associated with Fibromyalgia) point to a total body affliction…(1)”.
What causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?
Although depression is frequently involved, it is usually not the primary cause. As symptoms vary from person to person, doctors frequently say, “It is all in your head.” This is only furthered by the fact that most medical practitioners are male and CFS and Fibromyalgia mainly affect women.
According to the Arthritis Foundation, the possible causes consist of physical trauma, hormonal changes, lack of fitness, inappropriate exercise, poor posture, emotional trauma, and smoking. Most medical practitioners treat with medication, exercise, rest, and learning to cope.
How do I know if I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?
Symptoms of CFS and Fibromyalgia include muscle pain, tender regions in the muscles, fatigue, headaches, bowl disturbances, sleep disturbances, anxiety, and depression. The grouping of CFS and FM together is fairly common since the symptoms are similar.
It is frequently found that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia start relatively soon after auto accidents. Therefore, Chiropractic care of the cervical spine can help prevent this problem from occurring, or help in its treatment.
What are common functional problems related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia?
The adrenal glands are your body’s stress glands. They produce hormones that control sugar metabolism, sodium content in the blood, and sex hormones. A decrease in adrenal gland efficiency can lead to fatigue, low back pain, decreased immunity, poor sugar control, and sexual hormone problems.
If the pancreas–which is the primary blood sugar regulator in the body–isn’t functioning properly, it can lead to hypoglycemia and diabetes. Symptoms of those will include fatigue, fogginess, depression, aches and pains, and malaise.
The thyroid gland controls your metabolic rate. If it is dysfunctional, it can cause fatigue, hormonal problems, and many other symptoms that can be related to CFS. It is important to note: many lab tests come back with functional hypothyroidism. This is normal, and is usually related to incorrect lab tests or antiquated normal values. This is VERY common.
The large and small intestines play a crucial role in health. They break down nutrients to their smallest components and absorb them into the bloodstream. If there is a problem with either, then larger molecules can slip into the bloodstream, giving rise to the “Leaky Gut Syndrome.” This is believed to be responsible for autoimmune diseases, including Rheumatoid Arthritis. Other issues arise with unhealthy large or small intestines, such as improper bacterial flora in the gut (dysbiosis) and candid infections. Symptoms of these problems are similar to those of CFS and Fibromyalgia.
How can you help?
Alternative health care practitioners have shown significant improvement in patients with these problems, since they tend to treat the whole body rather than the symptoms. Typically, patients with CFS and Fibromyalgia have functional problems, such as issues within the glands or organs of the body, within the musculo-skeletal system, or within the nervous system.
It is important to note: organ dysfunction does not mean a diseased organ. If you have a diseased organ, you must seek medical attention–holistic practitioners do not treat disease. However, prior to an organ becoming diseased, there are protocols that can be taken that a holistic practitioner CAN do. These protocols are not considered by medical professionals, though they could prevent disease from occurring.
All of the aforementioned issues can be treated with diet, nutrition, and various Applied Kinesiology techniques. A number of recent studies have shown that Chiropractic care can provide relief from pain of Fibromyalgia, as well, through the use of spinal manipulation, trigger point therapy, massage, and physical therapy.
If you or a loved one suffers from this disorder, realize that there are other ways of addressing this problem than you may have been exposed to. Seek out the care that you deserve, and don’t take no for an answer!
1. R. Paul St. Amand. The Use of Uricosuric Drugs in Fibromyalgia. Marina del Rey, Ca., Letter, December 1994.
2. FitzGerald, R.T.D., Observations on Trigger Point, Fibromyalgia, Recurrent Headache and the Cervical Syndrome, J Manual Medicine, (1991), 6:124-129.
3. Leach, R., Hosek, R., Clinical and Mioelectric Observations on Fibromyalgia: Chiropractic Prospective Clinical Series, Proceedings of the International Conference on Spinal Manipulation, June 1994, Pgs.13-14.
4. Thiel, Robert J. Chronic Fatigue Assessment and Intervention: The Result of 101 Cases. ANMA and AANC Journal 1 (3), 1996.
5. Crook, William. The Yeast Connection, 2nd Edition. Jackson, Tennessee: Professional Books, 1983.
6. Deluze, C. Electroacupuncture in Fibromyalgia: Results of a controlled trial. British Medical Journal 305: 1249-1251, November 21, 1992.
Dr. Bernard S. Burton DC PA, is a Chiropractic Physician, Clinical Nutritionist, Craniopath, and Acupuncturist in Sunrise, utilizing Applied Kinesiology in his practice. He is located at 7800 W. Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 110 Bldg. D, Sunrise, FL, 33351, in the Belle Terre Plaza, which is southeast of the corner of Oakland Park Blvd and University Drive. He can be reached at (954) 742-0332, FAX (954) 742-7344 or his website: www.betterbacks.com.
Applied Kinesiology (AK) is a system for evaluating body function. It was developed within the Chiropractic Profession and utilizes manual muscle testing, clinical expertise, and lab tests, to diagnose function problems which can then be treated with Chiropractic, Acupuncture, Nutrition, Deep- Tissue Stimulation, Craniosacral work, as well as a variety of other techniques. This type of muscle testing has been termed “Functional Neurology”.