For the most part, from a medical perspective, there are 2 types of allergies.
- IgE: Immediate Hypersensitivity (reaction)
- IgG: Delayed Hypersensitivity (reaction)
IgE is the most feared as if, if it affects the throat or breathing, requires emergency medical intervention. IgG typically results in itchy eyes, runny nose, blotchy face, and sometimes a cough. It sounds pretty cut and dry, but in actuality, it isn’t. Allergy tests frequently disagree. Skin tests have different results from prick tests. Blood tests that text for IgG can be confusing as they relay allergen information about something you’ve never been exposed to.
The better evaluation of allergies is based upon fixing digestive dysfunction, rather than just attempting to eliminate the allergen in conjunction with suppressing symptoms with medications. We can help you with understanding and evaluating all your allergy concerns at the office.