When I started treatment with Dr. Burton, I was skeptical. I had seen his office when I took my daughter to her eye doctor next door and on his windows; he listed most of my ailments! I went inside just to find out if they accepted Medicare. I was about to leave and probably never to return when a long-time friend walked in for her appointment. She works with horses, and the last time I had see her, she was having numerous physical problems. I asked her if Dr. Burton had helped her (because she looked great!). and when she told me all he had done for her, I decided to try a session for myself. After all, what did I have to lose? That first session convinced me that Dr. Burton could change my life!
I have been struggling with aches and pains, blood clots, depression, thought of “what’s the point in living this way” since 1998. The MDs were keeping my body alive, but I had begun to think they were just diagnosing the “flavor-of-the-month” disease, and I could envision them throwing darts at a board, and whatever disease the dart hit, that was the one they tried to “treat” – never “cure.” That was the only piece of humor I had left when I dragged myself into Dr. Burton’s office for my first treatment.
The first positive sign was, I didn’t have to wait; in fact, Dr. Burton took me a few minutes early! That was unheard of at any MD’s office I have been to. I have walked out in disgust many times from an MD who was over an hour late (I give them that much time even though it stresses me out). The actual session with Dr. Burton was fairly short, and although I had braced myself for an arduous, LONG session (because my daughter’s chiropractors kept her there for a very long time, with no results that I can see”). Dr. Burton didn’t do anything painful (as I have experienced with another chiropractor some years ago), So I scheduled another appointment, and thought, “well, we’ll just see tomorrow.”
That night, I slept better than I had in a long time and the next morning when I looked in the mirror to brush my hair, I couldn’t quite place what looked different. It too me sever moments to realize I wasn’t standing lopsided! In fact, I wasn’t lopsided when I walked, either. And it just got better with each treatment. I went from hopeless to cautiously hopeful, and then the morning I walked to the beach to try to photograph a nice sunrise and realized I hadn’t brought, or needed my cane. I laughed out loud! It was a good laugh, a welcomed old friend I hadn’t heard in way too long.
Now, I look forward to each visit because something changes for the better with every session. I have even made plans to travel to England next May and to go fly fishing again (FINALLY!) in Montanan next August/September. I cried about that, but this time, it was a GOOD cry – a cry of release from a formerly hopeless existence.
Would I recommend Dr. Burton to others? You bet, heart and soul, so take that fir step to a renewed life –then go walking in the rain and laugh out loud!
Thank you, Dr. Burton, for giving me myself back!